
MockOla is a rapid wireframing tool that allows users to easily create user interface mockups.

Easily design simple user interfaces configurations for web, tablet, and mobile application using a drag-and-drop element editor, and then collaborate with your team for feedback.

Design Capabilities

  • User Interface Wireframing

    Templates for web, mobile, and tablet applications with standards UI constructs.

  • Free-Form Diagrams

    Customizable shapes, lines, text, and constructs give the building blocks for any design.

  • UML Design

    Unified modeling language standard concepts, shapes, and object linking to design software systems.

Using MockOla

  • When in the MockOla editor, drag elements from the top editing menu and drop them to the canvas to create your desired mockup as shown to the right.
  • View available shapes and palettes via the drop-down menus.
  • Resize any elements, or add text to customize to your needs.
  • Align, group, and rearrange elements using the controls available.

MockOla Tech Stack

The MockOla editor is implemented using Backbone.js and Fabric.js for 2D drawing capabilities on an HTML5 browser canvas. The server-side API supporting MockOla is a Java Spring Boot application created using the JHipster framework.

One of the palettes available on MockOla is UML, or Unified Modeling Language. It is a general-purpose modeling language that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a software system.

MockOla Free

Certain features of the MockOla platform are available for free separate from GrokOla. While you don’t get the collaborative nature GrokOla provides, MockOla Free is a good introduction to the features.

Visit MockOla Free

GrokOla Demo

Try the GrokOla Demo risk-free. It gives a good introduction to the features and capabilities of the platform, including MockOla, so you can determine if it’s the best path for your team.