MockOla is a rapid wireframing tool that allows users to easily create user interface mockups.
Easily design simple user interfaces configurations for web, tablet, and mobile application using a drag-and-drop element editor, and then collaborate with your team for feedback.
Design Capabilities
User Interface Wireframing
Templates for web, mobile, and tablet applications with standards UI constructs.
Free-Form Diagrams
Customizable shapes, lines, text, and constructs give the building blocks for any design.
UML Design
Unified modeling language standard concepts, shapes, and object linking to design software systems.
Using MockOla

MockOla Tech Stack
The MockOla editor is implemented using Backbone.js and Fabric.js for 2D drawing capabilities on an HTML5 browser canvas. The server-side API supporting MockOla is a Java Spring Boot application created using the JHipster framework.
One of the palettes available on MockOla is UML, or Unified Modeling Language. It is a general-purpose modeling language that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a software system.
MockOla Free
Certain features of the MockOla platform are available for free separate from GrokOla. While you don’t get the collaborative nature GrokOla provides, MockOla Free is a good introduction to the features.
GrokOla Demo
Try the GrokOla Demo risk-free. It gives a good introduction to the features and capabilities of the platform, including MockOla, so you can determine if it’s the best path for your team.