GrokOla Public Add-On

GrokOla Public is an optional add-on for any current GrokOla subscription allowing a public look into designated sections of your GrokOla instance.

From a GrokOla instance, you can choose to make any content public that you wish to share with the outside world (i.e. no credentials needed). This content can be viewed from the web or native mobile application.

  • Make Any GrokOla Content Public

    Publish any current GrokOla content with the click of a mouse. Keep content updated and easily accessible, even without login. Use cases include software licenses, company handbooks, software FAQs, technology tutorials, and more.

  • Access GrokOla Content From Any Device, Even Mobile Applications

    As part of this offering, your public GrokOla Content Server can be made available for download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, in addition to via your web browser

  • Optional Add-On Benefit To GrokOla

    This option is available to current GrokOla clients with an active GrokOla subscription for $20 per month.

GrokOla Public Example

We use the GrokOla Public Add-On to make available a number of our public tutorials and licensing agreements.
All of this public content can be accessed via the following methods: